Monday, 18 March 2013

So that's something, at least

Leveson Press Ethics

Today the coalition government narrowly avoided another “Omnishambles” and put together something looking vaguely like Press Regulation. Wow.

Now we can stop the press from invading people's privacy and hacking phones.

Now we can stop the press printing lies.

Now we can stop corrupt journalists conspiring with Politicians or Police to distort or procrastinate on the truth.

Now we can stop the press objectifying women every day on Page 3.

All good, if they ever come to pass, but I'm most interested in:

Now we may be able to stop the press printing adverts as news. That's right, in case you didn't know, this has been going on for years.

Public Relations. Who'd have it? Well Michael Marshall (AKA Marsh) of the Merseyside Skeptics Society is a great guy, and has done sterling work in exposing some of the PR guff expounded by the tabloids, the Daily Mail in particular (which I reserve the right to call the Daily Fail or DF, rotten right-wing rag that it is).

Short version of a typical example of bad PR: Company wants to sell more products. They think up a marketing strategy and hire PR company (cue OnePoll) to run a survey, that will be conducted in an unbalanced way on a unrepresentative audience, and so generate the required results (which are usually b**locks): e.g. “A woman's looks are her most important feature” (say women when asked a series of biased, loaded questions). Then the PR company gets the results published in a newspaper with a barely-disguised reference to their sponsors, for example a spokesperson for cosmetics company may be mentioned saying “look! You can buy makeup here!” Well, they would say that, wouldn't they!

The thing about all this is, it's just completely manufactured. It is, at a basic level, inventing a “problem” that doesn't exist, “exposing” it in an advert masquerading as “news”, then directing readers towards the people selling the “cure”. Pathetic.

More often than not the results reinforce some norm or stereotype that has the potential to actually be quite harmful. It is, I think, a wicked and dishonest business.

See Marsh's excellent blog here

So in some cases it's just a matter of there not being enough journalists to write all the stories to fill up the pages the next day (i.e. papers made on the cheap, now you know why they cost just a few pence), so they need to pad it with fillers to make up the content. With the DF though, I really think it is just as much the hateful bloody mindedness of the people in charge to print s**t that is as laughable as it is absurd. I would rather not have a paper at all than have anything other than the Times, Guardian , I or Independent (and they are far from perfect as well).


Steubenville rape case

So some degree of justice was served thank goodness in the terrible US case involving members of an American high school football team raping a girl, then bragging about it on their videophones.

They rightly got put away (for a bit, not long enough!), but the outcrying of sympathy from many observers was truly poisonous. CNN coverage was shockingly one-sided: “Their lives are ruined!”. Hey, wait a minute, spare a thought for the poor victim!

Look here, if you must, for more of the same s**t:

It just makes me sick. I've already discussed this elsewhere on the blog so won't repeat it all here, but you just have to accept that rape victims can do nothing to prevent rape! Only the offenders can stop it by not raping! One of the most common problems is the idea that drunkeness leads to vulnerabilty and increases chances of the crime happening. Right. So, by that logic, we should expect to see a positive correlation between alcohol consumption and number cases of rape in any country.

Well, I'm afraid that the statistics just don't back up that little rape-apologists' theory (sorry if my contempt is showing but it just makes me so MAD). There is no such correlation. Countries with some of the highest rates of rape have low levels of drinking, and vice versa. If anything, the correlation is slightly negative, i.e. low alcohol-consumption nations have higher rates. Pet theory – this may be because drunk men are less likely to rape (may be various reasons).

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