Calm and Rape Her" t-shirts - why it was right to ban their sale
of speech - someone exercising rights to FoS must also realise that
those rights go along with responsibilities, to not cause undue
offense and to not threaten the morals of society.
have recently heard it argued that the condemning reaction to the
vile "Keep Calm and Rape Her" t-shirts from Amazon, was
misplaced and infringed on freedom of speech. It was reactionary and
the t-shirt complainers need to learn to “laugh a little”. Some
people saying this have been atheists. Vocal, militant ones, at that.
is, frankly, double-speak. How can they say on one hand say that
atheism is superior to religion and therfore atheism should be
promoted above religion, and also hold the view that rape (as opposed
to no rape) is just as valid a point of expression in their right of
freedom of speech. You can't have it both ways. Condoning the
suppression of religion infringes religion's rights to freedom of
speech just as much as stopping rape t-shirts infringes the rights to
freedom of speech for rape-apologists.
really are rights I don't care to stand up for. I guess my point is
that some "speakers" deserve less intrinsic freedom that
others based on their standpoint across a spectrum of issues.
is not censorship. It is moderation.
example, do we seriously need to listen to the mad ravings of serial
killers simply because not doing so would infringe their rights to
freedom of speech? They most often have nothing useful to say,
probably because the mind that has useful things to say is more often
than not, not one that controls a serial-killer's body. Regardless,
even if there are people who want to listen to them, we should not
all be expected to like it when their ridiculous opinions are made
the t-shirts did not infringe any rights. The same company could have
made slightly different t-shirts the next day somewhere else and
continued to sell them, moving on each time they were discovered or
changing names etc. Drug cartels do it. I think the point is more
that some atheists just don't like how powerful feminism can be and
how much influence it can have when we unite. Well, tough.
navigate this ideological minefield, we need a consistent approach.
We must both utterly condemn rape and regard its promotion or
over-exposure as unacceptable. Rape is wrong at all times and we
must be sensitive and accommodating to those who can't just "laugh
it off". It is a bit like when Sepp Blatter famously asked
victims of racial abuse in football to simply “shake hands” with
their abusers. As if that would solve anything.
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