Thursday, 21 March 2013

A deeply rooted, poisonous behaviour

Sexism is deeply rooted in the academic sciences, a 2012 study shows. I also argue it is even apparent in the language we use. What can we do when it is becoming ever more apparent just how ingrained sexism is in our society?

Summarised here:

The conclusion talks about the way in which the sexism shown against women was non-gender specific i.e. just as likely to emanate from women themselves; how it was unintentional i.e. subconscious; and how it likely emerges from “widespread cultural stereotypes”.

Great. Good. So, let's just get on with challenging those stereotypes then. Which is, basically, what feminists have been trying to do for years!


I put together this little piece, to show how a dictionary definition of a man's state of behaviour can be seen as positive, yet switching genders and applying to women can lead to essentially the same definition becoming inherently derogatory:


stud 2 (stʌd)


6. slang a virile or sexually active man

promiscuous (prəˈmɪskjʊəs)


1. indulging in casual and indiscriminate sexual relationships

Conclusion: Promiscuous man = A virile stud.


slut (slʌt)


2. derogatory an immoral woman

immoral (ɪˈmɒrəl)


2. sexually dissolute; profligate or promiscuous

Conclusion: Promiscuous woman = An immoral slut.

No, this isn't the rape-apologists' dictionary! These actual Collins World English Dictionary definitions show just how the dice are weighted against women. It really highlights the size of the task at hand. Everday Sexism at its most blatantly absurd.


NOT NICE! Not nice at all.

Face the facts, the Patriarchy is alive and well. So let's destroy that toxic edifice, slowly crawling out into wider society with its glacial malevolence, before it claims more victims.

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